Friday, March 11, 2011

Term 1 Blog Post 3: Termly Reflection


In this blog post I will reflect on my personal growth in science and on my performance in the science assessment test for this term(term 1).

How have I has my knowledge and understanding for Science improved and grown?

Well, contrary to last year, this year when I started learning the syllabus, I thought I had lost my "science" touch. I simply did not understand anything, and found it hard to do any worksheets. I panicked really bad, as I did not want it to fall into a "domino" effect when because I had started with a bad start that the rest of the year I would be doing badly. So I sat down for a good 2 hours and thought to myself, what were the things that led me to score so well in my science last year? What were the factors that eventually earned me an exemption?

And then it struck me, I had to read the textbook. Yes, cliched and simple enough, reading the textbook actually improved my science by a huge margin, and it really helps when you don't understand a single thing the teacher says during class. I scrambled for the thick Science textbooks, and started reading on the various topics that I would be learning for term 1. Booyah! It worked. This was during mid-term, and I found myself at ease with the subject for the rest of the term, even coaching my friends on the subject.

But my results really disappoint me, and I will elaborate on it later. So as usual, I had gained all the head knowledge of the syllabus itself, such as chemical equations, periodic table etc., but what I had really found out was that I really had to manage time better. 2 CCAs, 2 Competitions, Organising Team of 17th SLC, ANGLES and 3NGLES, and finally council. Whew, that was a mouthful. With so many things to handle this term, I was really, really overwhelmed with work. I told myself, I would not let all this take control of my life, and as a result, my acadamics suffer. But even then, losing hours and hours of sleep everyday was not an option too, making me feel very sleepy during class and my learning suffers as a result. Either way, I knew that I would not be doing well this term in terms of acadamics. I told myself to just do my best and strive for even better the next term, but it really daunts me to know that I would be EVEN more busy next term.

Putting that aside, last year in my E-Portfolio I stated that the science syllabus was really too easy for me, and I had lost interest in it due to getting straight A1s throughout the term. This year, I still found the science easy, but I found another interest in a field of science - aviation science. I think this is very feasible in terms of my current life, as I am a member of Singapore Youth Flying Club, and one of the competitions I am taking part in is also regarding Aviation Science. This term, I also attended the Aviation Science sabbatical.

So I have begun to see the world in a different way, and after learning the different chemical bonds, I start to intepret things in a different way. Salt is now sodium chloride to me, water is now Hydrogen + Oxygen to me. Science is really fascinating to me, and I plan to keep striving for the best and improving myself in the rest of the year!

My performance in the Science Assessment Test:

For this term's test, I scored a total of 29.5/40, which is actually 73.75/100. This means that barely missed A1, and got an A2!

I have to say, I hate myself, really, for scoring such marks. When I received my paper, I saw a 30.5/40, and I was like, "Thank God!" Then I saw the -1 at the side, and my entire life plunged into darkness. No, I am not exaggerating. If what my science teacher said is true, that if I don't get A1 for all the terms, my exemption is certainly gone. The reason why I am so upset about it, is that Science is one of my strongest subjects, and at the end of the year, I need the exemption time to study for other subjects! Although it's true that exemption does not matter as long as I study hard, and that I will surely get an A1 at the end of year, but this would mean that I would score lesser for other subjects, as time is already such a crucial and precious thing to me now!

I would like to also say, my score was entirely my fault. I got complacent mid-term, thinking that getting an A1 was a sure thing for me, and look what happened. I did not study for my test, thinking that I understood all its concepts, and the worst thing is, when I looked through the test paper, it dawned on me that had I studied, even if just for 1 hour, I could score at least 6 or 7 marks higher! I am not one to dwell on sad things in the past that cannot be changed, but sometimes the strain and stress is really pulling me down. I am all determined that I will never let such a thing happen to me again, but sheer determination needs to be coupled with time and effort.

I did hear from other students that their Science teacher said that as long as after calculating everything; ACE, E-Portfolio, Tests, Assignments, your final score is above 80, then you will get exempted. If truly hope that that is the case, because I am down right determined to score well for my Science, and will not fail my teachers or disappoint them. Right now I am also hoping that my score would be rounded up, which would mean an A1. Now please do not think that I just care about marks, I am very interested in Science, just that how can I learn the things that I enjoy in Science that are not part of the syllabus and curriculum, if I do not score well for my examinations. In such cases, that half mark really makes a difference in my life and my pursuit for knowledge in Science, and many other subjects.

Having said that, the mistakes that I made in the Science Test were actually 90% careless mistakes due to not refreshing my memory by revising and forgetting a certain concept, and 10% not understanding the question itself. That minute 10% can actually be solved by studying deeper into the topic itself, nothing major, but that 90%, that heart killing 90% was unnecessary marks wasted. Things like, "Hydrogen + Oxygen = Hydroxide", boy I really hate myself. I am going to study hard and do well next term, and hope that in my next Termly Reflection, I would be rejoicing instead of mourning.

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