Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Term 3 Blog Post 2: Project Showcase

Recently, I did an ACE project with another fellow classmate in my class on the topic: Sexual Reproduction

Our project was more based on the morality issues(more on the Sexual Education side), as we wanted to expand more on a certain focus on a topic that was already part of our syllabus. Unlike last year, where I just did reports on all the various external topics that I found interest in, this year my friend and I decided that in order to get the full 5 ACE points on one single ACE project, we had to take a step further. Therefore we brainstormed on how we could come up with something creative and innovative, but yet being able to be informative. After much discussion, we decided to submit a package to our Science teacher. Yes, a nice package containing different content materials, all wrapped up and neatly labelled. So what was in our package? Here's what:

PowerPoint Slides

The most conventional and common way students decided to submit ACE projects with. We tried to make this the 'formal and informative' part of our package, serving as proof that we did our research and came up with quite a lot of content and statistics.

You can download the PowerPoint Slides here: http://www.freefilehosting.net/sexualreproductionace

Comic Strips

Yes, COMIC STRIPS. I would say that this would be one of the ACE projects that really stand out among others because of our variety and quality. I created 3 comic strips regarding the same topic, but adding a touch of humour and cartoon-like quality to it. We intended this to be 'creative and innovative' part of our package.

Video Case Study

I think this really gave our package something to end with. We decided to do a case study on a man who recovered from HIV. Unfortunately, the video is with my friend who accidentally dropped and broke his thumb drive which was the only thing containing the video(after submitting it to the teacher of course) so I will not be able to showcase the video here. The video should still be with my Science Teacher though!

Update: My friend actually managed to post the video on YouTube, so here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf6MRApLoNc

There you have it, the hard work of both my friend and I. We got 5 ACE points in the end, and I think we actually deserved it!

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